Befor going to Poland for a week we have to eat everything from the fridge. I quite like this challenge and I made 3 lunches from whatever I found in the fridge, freezer and at the back of my cupboards. All these meals were very tasty, cheap and quick. And also I managed to get some extra storage space in out tiny kitchen.
Pierwszy lunchbox zawiera pełnoziarnisty kuskus, brokuła, wegeklopsiki z Ikei i pomidorki koktajlowe
In my first lunchbox I put wholemeal cuscus, broccoli, veggie balls from Ikea and cherry tomatoes
Następnego dnia upiekłam kilka batatów i marchewek, wymieszałam resztkę kuskusu z rozmrożonym groszkiem i dorzuciłam pół awokado.
On the next day I baked some sweet potatoes and carrots, mixed leftover cuscus with grean peas and added half an avocado.
Bardzo się ucieszyłam kiedy odkryłam w zamrażarce 2 mielone kalafiorowe od Jadłonomii. Do tego pozostałe bataty i marchewki i świeży ogórek.
I got really excited when I found 2 couliflower burgers at the back of my freezer. I also added sweet potatoes, carrots and cucumber.
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